
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Indesign
Adobe Photoshop


A packaging concept for an over-the-counter cold medication called Nasclear.

The objective was to develop a new product line for a paracetamol medication that was able to be distinctive against other competitor’s medication in the shopping aisle as well as being visually complimenting and not visually overpowering.

The approach was to develop a logo that was easily recognizable and retainable to the average consumer. The use grey tones starting with dark grey on the left and working up to lighter tones to the right makes the viewer feel indicative of an uplifting emotion and feeling better.

To help discern the different Nasclear products specific colours have been utlised for each specific brand; blue for lite medication as a cooler-tone colour, green for kids medication as green is a neutral and friendly colour to parents/a younger audience and yellow for plus medication for a slightly more aggressive-tone.



